VIRTUAL POSTCARD FROM WADE [Plus a surprise LCA Lab meet-up!]

This summer Wade participated in the DOE Scholars Program which is administrated by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). As a DOE Scholar Wade had the opportunity to support the work of the Analysis team within the recently stood-up DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstration (OCED). OCED extends DOE’s support of clean energy technologies beyond low and mid TRLs to demonstration at the commercial scale. OCED’s portfolio covers some of the most important technologies for the clean energy transition like hydrogen, carbon management, and industry to name a few. Wade’s main project this summer was to analyze the impact of carbon capture on criteria air pollutant emissions. Some other highlights from his experience were sitting in on various national lab presentations proposing how they might be able to support OCED, attending a workshop on NETL’s LCA toolkit for carbon conversion (where he bumped into LCA Lab alum Dr. Udayan Singh! [pics below]), and attending a workshop on sustainable chemistry hosted by the DOE Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Wade (left) with LCA Lab alum Dr. Udayan Singh!

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