Lisa Colosi Peterson
B.S. Biological Engineering, Cornell University, 2003
M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 2004
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 2007
Lisa is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and director of the UVA Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Lab. Her work focuses on the intersection of water, energy, and climate. Her group applies life cycle assessment (LCA), techno-economic assessment (TEA), and related systems modeling approaches to provide meaningful, policy-relevant results. She has produced nearly 60 peer-reviewed publications, accounting for more than 4000 citations (h-index = 28). The lab’s current research is funded by the US Department of Energy, US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, VA Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Forestry, and others.
Contact Information
Office: Olsson Hall, 111-D
Phone: (434) 924-7961 | Email: